Whether you’re a large legal placement firm with offices scattered across the country, or a single headhunter agency who recruits locally, cultivating existing client and candidate relationships can be just as challenging as attracting new prospects. One of the effective ways that digital marketers can help you land and constantly stay in contact with high-value clients and candidates is by setting you up with a strong pull marketing campaign. What follows are some pull marketing services that digital marketers provide.
What is Pull Marketing?

There are two main types of advertising: push and pull. As the name implies, “push” marketing is when an advertiser literally pushes their product or brand at consumers who may have never heard of the brand before nor purchased the product or service. On the other hand, pull marketing tactics are used when a consumer is already familiar with the brand’s reputation and are interested in purchasing the product/service, or have already done so. A good overall online marketing campaign utilizes both push and pull tactics.
Here are some of the digital pull marketing strategies that companies use to target consumers:
- Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
- Pay-per-Click (PPC) ads
- Social media
- Brand reputation and review management
Now let’s explore in greater detail the first and last bullet points: SEO and brand reputation and review management.
The Many Aspects of SEO
The term “SEO” is tossed around all the time, but very few legal recruiters truly understand how it works. And that’s where an established digital marketing agency comes in. These are some of aspects of SEO that digital marketers optimize so that your recruiting firm will get found:
- Enhanced local visibility. When someone does a local organic Google search, for example “legal recruiters in Dallas, TX”, the names and contact information for the top 3 businesses that are most relevant appear on the page. Because over 45% of all organic Google searches are local, getting your business to show up in this “3-pack” increases your profile’s odds of being clicked on.
- Search engine updates. Search engines like Google are constantly changing the way they determine who shows up on the first search engine results page (SERP). Organic search results match the relevance of your business to the specific search terms that were entered without the influence of any advertisements. To get found during an organic search today means placing your business at the mercy of Google’s AI-assisted technologies. Digital marketers stay current on how search engines operate.
- Search terms. Another phase of the SEO process that digital marketers can assist you with is understanding which search terms, or keywords, that potential clients and candidates are most likely to enter when looking for legal recruiters in your area. In many instances, those search terms are not what you think they are.
- Google for Jobs. Many high-value prospects now use Google Jobs to search for openings because it combines the world’s most powerful search engine with job sites like Monster and CareerBuilder. Instead of visiting each site individually, a job seeker can now enter specific search terms on Google for Jobs and immediately see openings matching their skills and experience that are posted on various online job boards. A digital marketer can show you how to use Google for Jobs to engage with prospects.
Brand Reputation and Review Management
Online ratings and reviews are crucial because once you attract a prospect, you want them to see that your recruiting firm has a good reputation. Otherwise, they will probably look elsewhere. Unfortunately, many recruiters don’t consistently monitor their online brand reputations. A digital marketing agency can provide ongoing review and reputation management services using resources like Google My Business to help strengthen your profile by:
- Reminding your clients to leave reviews
- Replying on your behalf to client reviews so that you can continue to build trust
- Verifying your business information so that it’s accurate when it appears in searches or on maps
The Legal Recruiter Directory is a Powerful Digital Marketing Tool
Give your legal placement firm’s digital footprint a boost by featuring it on the Legal Recruiter Directory. Joining the Legal Recruiter Directory gives legal recruiters immediate access to pull marketing resources that can ultimately help them land and keep high-value candidates and clients. Whether the target audience is passive or captive, the Legal Recruiter Directory helps legal headhunters place talented attorney candidates in prestigious law firm and corporate counsel department positions so that all parties benefit.