The average legal recruiting firm uses various online resources like a website and social media to conduct business. A recent survey of US recruiters in various industries found that their top 3 priorities were candidate acquisition, client relationships and candidate engagement. When you combine all that information, it’s abundantly clear that in order to hit their goals placement firms need to make online reputation management a priority. As many of us are likely at home riding out Covid-19, now might be a good time for you to review your online reputation.
Improving and maintaining your online reputation starts with seeing where you pop up by Googling yourself and setting up alerts. Then, you can silo the information you want people to know by being consistent in your message and background, sticking to platforms where you’ve built an audience, and growing your network by strengthening online profiles like LinkedIn. To find out how to do all that, continue reading below.
What is Online Reputation Management?
Online reputation management (ORM) is the process by which one controls and improves how their online branding is perceived by others. And, as the number of Web-users grows, it’s becoming increasingly more difficult for companies to protect their online business credibility and recognition.
ORM is Different than Online Marketing
If you’ve already implemented a strong digital marketing strategy and refreshed your website, that’s great. But your online reputation is separate from those other aspects of your firm’s online branding message. And, it is something that can damage your business credibility and site’s authority very quickly.
Have you ever had a candidate upset at your firm because they didn’t get hired? Did they then sully your online reputation by posting misleading information about your recruiters? If not, it could easily happen. In addition to posting disparaging Google reviews about you, that bitter candidate can also target your social media pages.
Why Protecting Your Online Reputation Matters
Jobvite’s 2018 Recruiter Nation Survey revealed that 75% of all recruiters perceive that Glassdoor reviews are at least “somewhat important” to their overall success. The study also found that LinkedIn is the most widely used recruiting channel, followed by Facebook. That means one bad review posted by a disgruntled client or candidate on those platforms could ruin your firm’s reputation.
Developing a Good ORM Strategy
Here’s what an effective ORM strategy should look like:
Google Yourself
According to a report from the Harris Interactive Search Survey, 75% of all businesses had Googled themselves recently and a whopping 48% reported that the results were not positive. Of those surveyed, 13% said they would like to change the online results to better reflect who they are.
First, Google your firm. But before doing the search log out of Google or open your browser using the incognito mode. Then, sit back and see what others see when performing an organic search with terms like “legal headhunters near me”.
Set Up Google Alerts
Timing is critical when dealing with unfavorable reviews that can damage your reputation. One solution is setting up Google Alerts using your firm’s name and any related topics, like “legal recruiters in Chicago”. It only takes about 5 minutes, which could save you a lot of frustration later-on!
Keep Your Story Straight
No matter what you’d like to think, your firm doesn’t excel at everything. Focus on a specific niche of recruiting that you are good at, for example placing patent attorneys at Fortune 500 companies. Get the word out via social media, a home page video, or write blogs about it. The more consistent you are, the more others will view you as the reliable go-to authority.
Stick to One Platform
If you’re constantly bouncing from one platform to another, your business credibility and recognition are going to suffer. Instead, stick to one or two channels and post on them daily. Share recent news about your firm, like:
- Community outreach programs you’re involved with
- Candidate training that you offer
- Recent job placements
- Client and candidate testimonials
- Blog articles about trends in the legal profession
Energize Your LinkedIn Profile
LinkedIn is popular with recruiters because it’s also popular with those they’re recruiting. It’s also a more professional site that will help your firm’s site rank higher. Take advantage of features like the “vanity URL” and then keep your firm’s image out there by energizing its profile with client endorsements, awards you’ve received, industry related articles, and professional certifications.
Find Expert Online Reputation Management Support Here
If you manage a legal recruitment or law firm, finding time to manage your online reputation may be hard with all your other responsibilities. But not doing so could tarnish your business credibility and branding when you least expect it. The Legal Recruiter Directory provides expert online reputation management assistance that’s specifically designed for legal headhunters, law firms and legal placement firms. Learn more about how the Legal Recruiter Directory can help you today.